How Do I Pay My Taxes?
To pay your first installment tax payments (due January 31):
• In person, at clerk’s office during regular business hours. Check the calendar on the website for "special" hours, if any.
• By mail. PO Box 88, Adell. If you would like a receipt, you must enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Drop box in front of the Town of Sherman Office building/SCFD. If you would like a receipt, you must enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.
• At National Exchange Bank & Trust in Adell, during regular business hours or use night drop-box. If you would like a receipt, you must enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.
To pay your second installment tax payments (due July 31):
• By mail to the county treasurer’s office. Address is printed on your tax bill. If you would like a receipt, you must enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.
• In person, at the county treasurer’s office.
Please do not send your second installment to the town clerk’s office. This will only delay a timely payment because it has to then forwarded on to the county via USPS mail.
Thank you for your cooperation!